The ‘ARISS-Europe News Bulletin mailing list’ was launched in 2001 with the announcement via email of planned ARISS contacts that are audible in Europe. Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, took at that time the initiative to inform some interested people by email about ARISS activities relevant to Radio Amateurs in Europe.
The success of this initiative obliged Gaston to use a free mailing service ‘Splio’, which automated the management of subscribers and unsubscribers of this service. The free service stopped by applying the European privacy rules ‘GDPR’ by their management on 31 December 2017.
AMSAT-ON developed a tool in early 2018 that will manage and distribute the ARISS-Europe news bulletin. The ‘Spam’ secure sending of mass email like the ARISS-Europe News bulletins requires a complex SMTP server. Currently there are more than 2500 subscribers for that bulletin.
After 17 years, the ARISS-Europe News bulletins are still being prepared by Gaston, ON4WF, and now archived by Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF, on the ARISS Europe website.
ARISS-Europe News archive:
Subscribe: ARISS Europe news bulletin mailing list
Dec 08