St. John’s, NL, Canada, telebridge via ON4ISS

A ARISS telebridge contact via Amateur Radio was scheduled for March 27, 2024 at 16:25 UTC (1:55:27 pm NDT ad Newfoundland) with astronaut Loral O’Hara, amateur radio call sign KI5TOM. and students of St. John’s School Authority, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.

Loral O’Hara KI5TOM operating the HAM station on board the ISS

Newfoundland (NL) Schools is an entity of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador which teaches English-speaking students in K to 12 public schools in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Currently NL Schools includes over 63,000 students, over 250 schools, and over 10,000 employees. This ARISS contact directly links to the school’s Science 9 curriculum as students complete a full unit on space, including classes specific to the ISS. There are 4 schools (and associated Science 9 classes) involved in this ARISS contact: Leary’s Brook Junior High, St. Paul’s Junior High, Mount Pearl Intermediate, and Amalgamated Academy.

The downlink frequency for this contact is 145.800 MHz and may be heard by listeners that are within the ISS-footprint (Europe) that also encompasses the telebridge station. The ARISS amateur radio ground station (telebridge station) for this contact is in Aartselaar, Belgium use the callsign ON4ISS.