Category: Activities

ARISS telebridge contact in Buffalo, NY via ON4ISS


The ARISS contact on Sat 2017-06-10 at 16:20 UTC 87 deg with OR4ISS and Scouts from Buffalo, New York, via ARISS telebridge ground station ON4ISS (Aartselaar, Belgium) was successful. AOS was at 12:21:00 EST (16:21:00 UTC) and LOS 12:31:50 EST (16:31:50 UTC). Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin RN3FI answered 11 of 13 questions and the contact was …

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general assembly 2017

annual general meeting 2017 The members of AMSAT Belgium, non-profit association, are invited to attend the annual general meeting. The general assembly will take place on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 20:00 in the clubhouse of the Radio Club Leuven – Diestsevest 39 at Leuven. (The meeting room is located in the basement) Agenda: 1. …

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FX0ISS-F4KJT ARISS-Europe HamTV demo successful

The ARISS contact between Collège Andre Malraux, Chatelaillon-Plage F4KJT and Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG/FX0ISS Mon 2017 feb 13 14:00:35 UTC 67 deg, was successful with 19 questions answered, the HamTV downlink was streamed on the new BATC merger facility, so the students, professors, public and media were totally impressed by the event. Live HamTV on 2395Mhz. …

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ARISS contact with schools in Danbury, CT via ON4ISS


A telebridge connection with OR4ISS via ON4ISS (Aartselaar, Belgium) with students at the South Street School and Westside Middle School in Danbury CT, USA, was successful Thu 2017-02-02 18:49:14 UTC 80 deg. Astronaut Shane Kimbrough, KE5HOD answered all 20 questions. There were 200 students in the gym and the audio was streamed to the other schools in the system …

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Combined ARISS contact in Gembloux & Transinne


The ARISS contact Thursday January 12, 2017 at 13:47 UTC of Thomas Pesquet with 3 schools in Belgium was a success. The amateur radio contact was a telebridge connection with NA1SS via K6DUE (Maryland, USA). The participants schools to this ARISS contact are: – Saint-Guibert College (students at their college in Gembloux) – Kindergarten and primary …

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Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, about “ARISS milestones”

22 October 2016, Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, talked in Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland at the 6th Polish-wide Conference of Contributors and Sympathizes of ARISS about “ARISS milestones”. It was a excellent time for many people (there was above 100 persons), especially teachers and pupils, who never heard about the HAM radio! More information about the event can be found …

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general assembly 2016

annual general meeting 2016 The members of AMSAT Belgium, non-profit association, are invited to attend the annual general meeting. The general assembly will take place on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 20:00 in the clubhouse of the Radio Club Leuven – Diestsevest 39 at Leuven. (The meeting room is located in the basement) Agenda: 1. …

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ARISS contact between OR4ISS and 4U1WRC


During the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) to be held from 2nd to November 27th 2015, an ARISS contact was realized on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015. Students from Institut Florimont were able to use the ITU station to talk to astronauts Kjell Lindgren KO5MOS  (in front) and Kimiya Yui KG5BPH (in QSO with 4U1WRC), who …

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Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, ARISS goals & achievements

17 October 2015, Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, talked in Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland at the 5th Polish-wide Conference of Contributors and Sympathizes of ARISS about “ARISS Goals and Achievements”. It was a excellent time for many people, especially teachers and pupils, to learn about HAM radio on the ISS! More information about the event can be found …

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Drew Glasbrenner KO4MA works sat FO-29

On July 25, 2015 Drew Glasbrenner M/KO4MA/p gave a demonstration at the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium in Guildford of working the amateur radio satellite FO-29 with a portable station consisting of two FT-817 and an Arrow antenna in mode V/U on SSB. At the same time, Drew gave detailed explanations. Drew’s demonstration was followed by more than 30 radio …

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