The ARISS contact on Tue 2017-06-13 15:19:26 UTC 84 deg with OR4ISS and Space Center Houston, Houston, TX, via ARISS telebridge ground station ON4ISS (Aartselaar, Belgium) was successful. Astronaut Jack Fischer K2FSH answered 15 questions. HamTV video was great, thanks to all European partners.
The ARISS contact event will be an impactful part of Space Center Houston summer camp program for 2017, which will be available for students of ages 12-14, in 6th through 9th grade. Generally, attendance for summer day camps comes primarily from the Clear Creek Independent School District.
There were at least 140 connections to the Live ARISS Webcast (BATC).
Media source:
Radioamateur reports:
Youtube report by SP3QFE
Youtube report by G7HCE David Boult
Youtube report by PA3WEG Wouter Weggelaar
Youtube report by PA3WEG Wouter Weggelaar / Delft / ground station activity