The radio amateur satellite AO-40 was built by an international team of Amateur Radio volunteers. As a partner in this project Amsat-ON realized a K-band transponder. The development of the transponder was done by Stefaan Burger, ON4FG, Danny Orban, ON4AOD, Peter Pauwels, ON1BPS and Philip Sanders, ON7IZ AO-40 K-band, The Challenge (source: AO-40 – An International Satellite …
Tag: K-band
radio spectrum from 20 GHz to 40 GHz - The International Telecommunication Union allow amateur radio and amateur satellite operations in the frequency range 24.000 GHz to 24.250 GHz, which is known as the 1.2-centimeter band.
Dec 22
AO-40 suffered a catastrophic failure
The newspaper “De Standaard” 22 Dec 2000 provides a report on the status of AO-40. On board was a K-band transponder developed by a AMSAT-ON team. The original idea was to have a 24 GHz beacon. Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC, suggested to build a transponder. Unfortunately, the result of all these efforts was never fully operational. De Standaard, 22 …