OUFTI-1 a small cubesat gets big

OUFTI-1 the first satellite project developed by students in Belgium get to be launched into orbit in 2015. A trip to space, the stars of Liège, whose preparation is nearing its end.

15th European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC)

The European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) workshop on small, micro, nano and CubeSat missions took place on March 25 2013 Euro Space Center in Transinne and ESA Redu Centre, Belgium.

AMSAT Belgium and the UBA took advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate the engineering model of the AMSAT-UK FUNcube-1 satellite along with the FUNcube Dongle SDR for telemetry decoding.

The European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) is established in 1999 as a permanent forum for interparliamentary co-operation in space between the European national parliaments interest in space policy, it aims at facilitating the exchange of information on space activities and at promoting mutual understanding of national policies through the provision of a forum for analysing the major issues at stake in the European space sector.

27th AMSAT-UK Colloquium – 14-16 September 2012

The 2012 International Space Colloquium – the 27th held by AMSAT-UK, had taking place on September 14, 15 and 16, 2012 at the Holiday Inn, Guildford, United Kingdom. This video report includes important announcements about developments in the amateur radio satellite community.

This video report is an attachment on the AMSAT-ON Newsletter nr 77.

OUFTI-1 – ULg CubeSat – status June 2011

On Wednesday, June 29, 2011 the OUFTI-1 team presented the current state of development of the first Belgian student nanosatellite and recent realizations in the OUFTI-1 project, as well a demonstration of ongoing activities.

The OUFTI-1 team presented at the Montefiore Institute of the University of Liège the current state of development of the first Belgian student nanosatellite and recent realizations.

25th AMSAT-UK Colloquium – July 30, 31 and August 1, 2010

The 2010 International Space Colloquium – the 25th held by AMSAT-UK, had taking place on July 30, 31 and August 1, 2010 at the Holiday Inn, Guildford, United Kingdom. This video report includes important announcements about developments in the amateur radio satellite community.

“European Amateur Radio Benefiting Society”

Tuesday 27 April 2010, 12 students of the European School, Brussels were invited to visit the Exhibition set up by the International Amateur Radio Union in collaboration with the European Space Agency in the European Parliament, Brussels and sponsored by MEP Birgit  Sippel, Germany. The Exhibition’s name is “European Amateur Radio Benefiting Society” and the thematics are Emergency, Education and Space.

The students, aged 14-18, accompanied by two science teachers, were welcomed by ARISS Chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF who introduced the event with a general presentation on the orbital and technical aspects of VHF communications between amateur radio ground stations and the ISS. The students asked many interesting questions while they observed the projection of the world map showing the ISS progressing towards Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Two hours later, three space travelers representing three Space Agencies visited the Exhibition: ISS Commander Frank De Winne ON1DWN , Robert Thirsk VA3CSA and Roman Romanenko. Thirty more students from several schools joined the audience, as well as several MEP and assistants. Among them former cosmonaut Vladimir Remek, now member of the European Parliament representing the Czech Republic.

  • ARISS contact with European School in European Parliament, Brussels

Frank De Winne talks to St-Michielscollege Brasschaat

The ARISS contact was a direct operated by ground station ON7RT,  Willy Goovaerts, ON5JM conducted operations at Wednesday October 7, 2009 at 10:21 UTC, which is 12:21 CEST.

Frank De Winne contact with VTI St Lucas in Oudenaarde

Under the enthusiastic leadership of Patriek De Temmerman ON8PDT, the school has been working on this project for a whole school year. It was the central theme of the School’s Open Day and space and the ISS were linked to many courses. The contact was a direct operated by ground station ON4OB (UBA section ODE), Tuesday 22 September at 13:47 UTC, which is 15:47 CEST.

ARISS Antenna built by the students of the VTI Sint Lucas Oudenaarde

Links to web pages about this topic:

UBA section AAA set up an portable ARISS groundstation

The UBA section AAA has developed a mobile ARISS ground station for ARISS school contact with Frank Dewinne. A few weeks before the ARISS contact, the section set up the ground station to fully test it. The design and execution was carried out under the professional guidance of Willy Goovaerts, ON5JM, section chairman.

Frank De Winne talks to people Urania observatory.

There was an ARISS radio contact on Monday, August 24 2009 with Frank De Winne, ON1DWN, from the public observatory Urania in Hove (near Antwerp). It was a telebridge contact, respectively, through VK4KHZ , Queensland, Australia. Frank De Winne talked to twenty children could ask questions. The conversation was moderated by Gaston Bertels ON4WF with the help of Rik ON7YD.