ARISS – Amateur Radio on the International Space Station Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule – ARISS Operations team Quick list of scheduled contacts and events reported by Charlie Sufana, AJ9N. The ARISS Operations Team is made up of ARISS Technical Mentors, scheduling/technical representatives, and an orbital prediction specialist. An ARISS Operations Lead is selected from within …
ON4ISS - ARISS amateur radio telebridge groundstation in Belgium - Part of the Belgian contribution of AMSAT-ON and UBA in the ARISS international project, an international working group, including several countries in Europe as well as Japan, Russia, Canada, and the USA. The organization is run by volunteers from the national amateur radio organizations and the international AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation) organizations from each country.
ON4ISS, a AMSAT Belgium clubstation, is situated in the southern region near Antwerp in the town of Aartselaar.
This amateur radio ground station is kept operational by the UBA section Triple A, the Antwerp Active Amateurs. In the realization of this ARISS telebridge radio station are 6 volunteers direct involved.
Jun 13
Frank De Winne talks to schoolchildren from Leuven
On Friday, June 13th 2009, in the afternoon primary school students got the opportunity to speak with astronaut Frank De Winne. The direct link with the International Space Station was made with the help of radio amateurs. Frank De Winne answered 22 questions on a range of subjects. The children wanted to know more about what …