The ARISS contact on Tuesday 16 October 2018 at 12:04 UTC (14:04 CEST) 88 deg with OR4ISS and ON4NOK St-Jozef College (Turnhout, Belgium) was successful. Astronaut Alexander Gerst KF5ONO answered 11 questions from students of St-Jozef College in Turnhout, Belgium. Media source: VRT: leerlingen-praten-met-astronaut-in-de-ruimte-dankzij-radioverbinding UBA section NOK: GVA: even-naar-de-ruimte-bellen
STEAM is an acronym that refers to the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. ARISS provides a forum through which students can be engaged in STEAM related activities and curriculum topics, including Amateur Radio and the science of radio.
Oct 15
ARISS-USA Education Summit, College Park, MD
On October 15 and 16, 2018, the ARISS-USA Education Summit was held at College Park Airport and Museum Conference Center (Maryland, USA). It was an ideal opportunity to enhance STEM Ideas through displays and demos. Dan Barstow, KA1ARD, presented the CASIS Space Station Explorers Program. During this summit the educational aspect of ARISS contacts was …