According the ARISS-Europe Terms of Reference, Board elections took place in 2015: A call for candidatures was circulated to the Member Societies March 2015. Candidatures were accepted till the end of May 2015. June 4, 2015 four candidates were presented to the Member Societies. Till September 1st, 2015, the votes of the Member Societies were …
ARISS - Amateur Radio on the International Space Station - Amateur Radio societies and AMSAT organisations from the ISS partner countries, in the USA, Canada, Russia, Europe and Japan, have set up ARISS - Amateur Radio on the International Space Station. It is a volunteering working group devoted to develop and put into operation the onboard Amateur Radio station. A major objective of ARISS is to increase students' interest through the medium of amateur radio in art, mathematics and science (STEAM studies).
ARISS – Amateur Radio on the International Space Station Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule – ARISS Operations team Quick list of scheduled contacts and events reported by Charlie Sufana, AJ9N. The ARISS Operations Team is made up of ARISS Technical Mentors, scheduling/technical representatives, and an orbital prediction specialist. An ARISS Operations Lead is selected from within …
HamVideo in the ISS Columbus Module
The Columbus module is designed to undertake experiments but may also be used as temporary sleeping accommodation for the European astronauts. It is anticipated that most, if not all of them, will be licensed amateurs. Two ARISS antennas (L/S band) were installed on the European Space Laboratory Columbus. A DATV (digital amateur television) transmitter is installed …
L / S-band ARISS antennas
All this started in 2002, when Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, the ARISS-Europe chairman, took the initiative to submit a request for amateur radio facilities on the Columbus module to Mr Jörg Feustel-Büechl, ESA Director of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity: “The ARISS international working group provides the many organizational and operational services needed to insure successful educational …
Apr 13
HamTV / HamVideo commissioning
Sunday 13 April 2014, Koichi Wakata, KC5ZTA, operated OR4ISS and successfully completed the HamVideo commissioning with ARISS team, HamTV on ISS. Commander Koichi Wakata congratulated ARISS for this achievement and answered a series of questions, prepared in the manner of a school contact. He also proceeded to a microgravity experiment. 5mn 44s of video received …
Apr 28
“European Amateur Radio Benefiting Society”
Tuesday 27 April 2010, 12 students of the European School, Brussels were invited to visit the Exhibition set up by the International Amateur Radio Union in collaboration with the European Space Agency in the European Parliament, Brussels and sponsored by MEP Birgit Sippel, Germany. The Exhibition’s name is “European Amateur Radio Benefiting Society” and the …
Sep 23
Frank De Winne contact with VTI St Lucas in Oudenaarde
Under the enthusiastic leadership of Patriek De Temmerman ON8PDT, the school has been working on this project for a whole school year. It was the central theme of the School’s Open Day and space and the ISS were linked to many courses. The contact was a direct operated by ground station ON4OB (UBA section ODE), Tuesday …
Sep 17
UBA section AAA set up an portable ARISS groundstation
The UBA section AAA has developed a mobile ARISS ground station for ARISS school contact with Frank Dewinne. A few weeks before the ARISS contact, the section set up the ground station to fully test it. The design and execution was carried out under the professional guidance of Willy Goovaerts, ON5JM, section chairman.
Aug 25
Frank De Winne talks to people Urania observatory.
There was an ARISS radio contact on Monday, August 24 2009 with Frank De Winne, ON1DWN, from the public observatory Urania in Hove (near Antwerp). It was a telebridge contact, respectively, through VK4KHZ , Queensland, Australia. Frank De Winne talked to twenty children could ask questions. The conversation was moderated by Gaston Bertels ON4WF with the help of …