ARISS telebridge contact in Buffalo, NY via ON4ISS


The ARISS contact on Sat 2017-06-10 at 16:20 UTC 87 deg with OR4ISS and Scouts from Buffalo, New York, via ARISS telebridge ground station ON4ISS (Aartselaar, Belgium) was successful. AOS was at 12:21:00 EST (16:21:00 UTC) and LOS 12:31:50 EST (16:31:50 UTC). Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin RN3FI answered 11 of 13 questions and the contact was …

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Station Location: South Australia, Adelaide, PF95GD Operator: Joe Pereira   Station Summary – 25th April 2017   Reflector:             Parabolic Prime Focus 1.8m mesh type Antenna:              S-band Patch feed, fabricated by James R Miller Converter:           Model 2400-HAMTV-DC, High Sierra Microwave Feeder Cable:    RG6 Quad Core / cable run 8 meters Rotator:               SPID  Model …

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Station location: Glenden Queensland Australia  QG48BU Operator: Shane Lynd, VK4KHZ VJ4KHZ is an ARISS VHF-UHF telebridge station as well as a HamTV ground station.   Below is a summary of the HAMTV equipment and any relevant findings observed or experienced during set-up at VK4KHZ in Queensland Australia. I have assembled three HAMTV stations at VK4KHZ, …

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Station location: Casale Monferrato  North-western Italy  JN45FC Operator: Claudio Ariotti IK1SLD IK1SLD is an ARISS VHF-UHF telebridge station as well as a HamTV ground station.   Telebridge VHF-UHF system crossed Yagi 15 + 15, , both VHF and UHF Preamplifiers installed near the antennas: SSB SP-2 VHF and SHF MVV 432/2 UHF switching Hor or …

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Armand Budzianowski, SP3QFE working on his HamTV dish  Most HamTV ground stations use a 1.2m dish. With accurate azimuth and elevation tracking, they receive the signal for 5 to 6 minutes during a favorable pass. For ARISS school contacts, 3 or more ground stations, located 800 km to 1000 km from each other along the …

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FX0ISS-F4KJT ARISS-Europe HamTV demo successful

The ARISS contact between Collège Andre Malraux, Chatelaillon-Plage F4KJT and Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG/FX0ISS Mon 2017 feb 13 14:00:35 UTC 67 deg, was successful with 19 questions answered, the HamTV downlink was streamed on the new BATC merger facility, so the students, professors, public and media were totally impressed by the event. Live HamTV on 2395Mhz. …

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ARISS contact with schools in Danbury, CT via ON4ISS


A telebridge connection with OR4ISS via ON4ISS (Aartselaar, Belgium) with students at the South Street School and Westside Middle School in Danbury CT, USA, was successful Thu 2017-02-02 18:49:14 UTC 80 deg. Astronaut Shane Kimbrough, KE5HOD answered all 20 questions. There were 200 students in the gym and the audio was streamed to the other schools in the system …

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Combined ARISS contact in Gembloux & Transinne


The ARISS contact Thursday January 12, 2017 at 13:47 UTC of Thomas Pesquet with 3 schools in Belgium was a success. The amateur radio contact was a telebridge connection with NA1SS via K6DUE (Maryland, USA). The participants schools to this ARISS contact are: – Saint-Guibert College (students at their college in Gembloux) – Kindergarten and primary …

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ARISS HamTV Minitiouner

Following the successful inaugural use of HamTV during ARISS Scheduled Contacts in the UK with ESA Astronaut Tim Peake, there has been much interest in radio amateurs establishing their own HamTV station. Jean-Pierre Courjaud, F6DZP, designer and implementer of the successful Tutioune series of software created a new USB connected DATV decoder and related software …

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European chained HamTV ground stations

To provide 10 minutes of HamVideo reception, a chain of ground stations located along the pass of the ISS footprint, is needed. In Europe, the following stations participate to this chain: For descending passes: EI9FHB, Cork, Ireland F6DZP, Poitiers, France IK1SLD, Casale Monferrato, northern Italy IZ7EVR, southern Italy (not operational) On the world map, one …

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