ARISS-Europe News Bulletin > 2500 subscribers

The ‘ARISS-Europe News Bulletin mailing list’ was launched in 2001 with the announcement via email of planned ARISS contacts that are audible in Europe. Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, took at that time the initiative to inform some interested people by email about ARISS activities relevant to Radio Amateurs in Europe.
The success of this initiative obliged Gaston to use a free mailing service ‘Splio’, which automated the management of subscribers and unsubscribers of this service. The free service stopped by applying the European privacy rules ‘GDPR’ by their management on 31 December 2017.
AMSAT-ON developed a tool in early 2018 that will manage and distribute the ARISS-Europe news bulletin. The ‘Spam’ secure sending of mass email like the ARISS-Europe News bulletins requires a complex SMTP server. Currently there are more than 2500 subscribers for that bulletin.
After 17 years, the ARISS-Europe News bulletins are still being prepared by Gaston, ON4WF, and now archived by Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF, on the ARISS Europe website.

ARISS-Europe News archive:
Subscribe: ARISS Europe news bulletin mailing list

ARISS contact St-Jozef College – NOK Turnhout

The ARISS contact on Tuesday 16 October 2018 at 12:04 UTC (14:04 CEST) 88 deg with OR4ISS and ON4NOK St-Jozef College (Turnhout, Belgium) was successful. Astronaut Alexander Gerst KF5ONO answered 11 questions from students of St-Jozef College in Turnhout, Belgium.

Media source:
VRT: leerlingen-praten-met-astronaut-in-de-ruimte-dankzij-radioverbinding
UBA section NOK:
GVA: even-naar-de-ruimte-bellen

ARISS-USA Education Summit, College Park, MD

On October 15 and 16, 2018, the ARISS-USA Education Summit was held at College Park Airport and Museum Conference Center (Maryland, USA). It was an ideal opportunity to enhance STEM Ideas through displays and demos. Dan Barstow, KA1ARD, presented the CASIS Space Station Explorers Program.

Astronaut Paul W. Richards, KC5ZSZ sign his foto for Cosmonaut Sergey Sambourov, RV3DR

During this summit the educational aspect of ARISS contacts was illustrated with examples by SSE participant organizations such as Magnitude i.o, Student Spaceflight Experiments Program, Storytime from Space, ISS Above, Tomatosphere.

During their break the participants of the summit watched live the ARISS contact with OR4ISS (Alexander Gerst, KF5ONO) and between ON4NOK, St-Jozef College in Turnhout (Belgium) at 12:04 UTC on Thu 16 oct 2018.

The summit ended with a tour in NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and a visit to the ARISS telebridge ground station K6DUE.

Jan, ON7UX operates the ARISS telebridge ground station K6DUE (NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center).

ARRIS contact with Pell Elementary School, RI

The ARISS contact on Tuesday 02 October 2018 at 17:45 UTC (19:45 CEST) 88 deg with OR4ISS and Pell Elementary School, Newport, RI USA, via ARISS telebridge ground station ON4ISS (Aartselaar, Belgium) was successful. Astronaut Ricky Arnold KE5DAU answered all 15 questions from students of Pell Elementary School is Newport, Rhode Island’s.

The event came during the UN’s World Space Week, all in the name of STEAM education.
Governor Raimondo marked the occasion, and even got to ask some of the students’ questions with them.

Media source:
ABC6: a-first-for-a-ri-public-school-students-speak-with-astronaut-aboard-iss
WPRI (youtube): RI students speak to astronaut aboard the International Space Station

ARISS telebridge contact in St-Vith & Nürenberg

The ARISS contact Friday 21 september 2018 at 10:15:22 UTC of Alexander Gerst KF5ONO with Bischöfliche Schule and Technisches Institut, St. Vith, Belgium, and Berufliche Schule Direktorat 1 Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany was a successful. The amateur radio contact with NA1SS was a telebridge via W6SRJ the ARISS ground station at Santa Rosa Jr. College, CA, USA.

Stefan ON6TI leads the conversations between Alexander Gerst KF5ONO and the schools in St-Vith and Nürenberg.

130 students were present in the auditorium of Bischöflichen Schule in St-Vith, almost 100 students in the auditorium of Berufliche Schule Direktorat 1 Nürnberg in Nürnberg, Germany, 12 questions were answered by Alexander Gerst. Stephan, DL1STV coordinated the activity in Nürnberg. Stefan, ON6TI, organized the contact from St-Vith and spoke afterwards to the press. The BRF (Belgian german-speaking channel) did cover the event on TV and made afterwards individual interviews with students and teachers. The regional press reported on it.

Media source:
BRF: Rendezvous mit dem Weltraum: St. Vither Schüler sprechen mit Alexander Gerst

ARISS telebridge contact in India via ON4ISS

The ARISS contact on Monday 2018-08-27 at 08:06 UTC 88 deg with OR4ISS and Shri Timli Vidyapeeth, Devikhet, India, via ARISS telebridge ground station ON4ISS (Aartselaar, Belgium) was successful. AOS was at 13:36:33 IST (08:06:33 UTC) and LOS 13:47:12 IST (08:17:12 UTC). Astronaut Ricky Arnold KE5DAU answered all 16 questions from students of Timli Uttarakhand, India.

There were about 25 students attending the contact and also some official representatives from nearby villages. The school itself is located in the Himalay area of India, not very high up as they say, only 1700 meters (5577 feet). Some students and invited persons were not able to attend because of the heavy rain in Pauri Garwhal area and road conditions since the last rain showers. Students of GIC Chelusain, GIC Devi khet, Aadarsh Bal Bharti Chelusain and Shri Timli Vidyapeeth participated in this conversation, an historic moment for Uttarakhand, India.

Media source:

general assembly 2018

annual general meeting 2018

The members of AMSAT Belgium, non-profit association, are invited to attend the annual general meeting.

The general assembly will take place on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 20:00 in the clubhouse of the Radio Club Leuven – Diestsevest 39 at Leuven. (The meeting room is located in the basement)


1. New members and outgoing members.

2. Financial report 2017 and discharge to the treasurer.

3. Approval of the 2018 budget.

4. Varia.

Kenneth Ransom N5VHO explains the ARISS scheduling

On October 14th 2017, at the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium in Milton Keynes, Kenneth Ransom N5VHO told about all aspects of his job. He explains what goes into scheduling an ARISS school contact and told about his experiences, his daily struggle, to be able to realize requested ARISS contacts.
It is an interesting lecture, she takes 45 minutes, there are a few technical problems with the microphone, but Kenneth solves that practically.

Questions are plentiful, Kenneth repeats the question and gives a clear answer. View it until the end of the lecture.

Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, about “HamTV Technical Team”

13 October 2017, Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, talked in Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland at the 7th Polish-wide Conference of Contributors and Sympathizes of ARISS about “HamTV Technical Team”. This conference aims at exchanging experiences between the participants having the ARISS contact already done and those who are in process of project implementation.

It is also an excellent opportunity to summarize all of previous 16 ARISS contacts from Poland. All people interested in cosmos and technologies used in a space exploration are welcomed.

Frontiers of Flight Museum, Dallas, telebridge via ON4ISS

The ARISS contact on Sat 2017-08-05 18:02:30 UTC 87 deg with OR4ISS and Frontiers of Flight Museum, Dallas, TX via ARISS telebridge ground station ON4ISS (Aartselaar, Belgium) was successful.
Astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZ0JP answered sixteen questions with time to spare for parting thank-yous.

There were at least two television stations present. The Auditorium we used was advertised as seating 200. Seats were all full and a lot of folks were standing. Audio was great throughout the contact until just after LOS.
Great Contact!

The enthusiastic students in preparation for the ARISS contact.

The enthusiastic students in preparation for the ARISS contact.

Media source:
Audio: Astronaut Paolo Nespoli talk to Frontier of Flight Students – 5 aug 2017

Radioamateur reports:
Youtube report M0GIW
Youtube report IV0PGQ
Youtube report received and recorded in Budapest, Hungary
audio report from I6IBE

Successful contact for Flight Museum, Texas with Paolo Nespoli IZØJPA
Frontiers of Flight Museum
ARISS website – VITA mission